Worlds Biggest Cities

This list of the world’s biggest cities is based on population. The figure given for the cities are only approximates.
The Top Ten 
At number 1 is Shanghai, China. The population is 13,831,900 with an area of 1,928 sq km. At number 2 is Mumbai, India with a population of 13,830,884. It has an area measuring 603 sq km. The third largest is Karachi in Pakistan. The population estimate is 12,991,000. The area measures 3,527 sq km. 
At number four is Delhi in India. There are an estimated 12,565,901 living there. It has a total area of 431.09 sq km. Istanbul, Turkey is at number 5. The population has been put at 12,517,664. The area totals 1,831 sq km. 
Sao Paulo in Brazil is ranked number six in the world’s biggest cities. The population estimate is 11,244,369. The total area is 1,523 sq km. Moscow is at number 7. The area total is 1,081 sq km and the population is 10,563,038. 
The eighth largest city is Seoul, South Korea. It has 10,464,051 residents spread over an area of 605.25 sq km. Beijing is at number 9. The population estimates put the number at 10,123,000. The area measures 1,368.32 sq km. At number ten is Jakarta, Indonesia with a population of 9,588,198. The total area measures 662.33 sq km. 
Other Large Cities around the World
At number 11 is Tokyo, Japan. The population is 8,887,608 and the area is 617.18 sq km. Mexico City, Mexico is at number 12. It has a total area of 1,485.49 sq km. The population is 8,873,017. Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is the thirteenth largest city. The population is 8,754,000. The total area is 2,016 sq km. 
New York City is at number 14. The current population estimate puts the number at 8,363,710. The total area is 789.4 sq km. Lagos in Nigeria is at number 15. There are 7,937,932 people living there. The total area is 999.6 sq km. 
Lima, Peru is at number 16. The total area is 2,670.4 sq km. The population estimate is 7,605,742. At number 17 is London, England. It has a population of 7,753,600 over an area of 1,580 sq km. 
At number 18 is Bogota in Colombia. The population has been put at 7,259,597. The area is 1,590 sq km. At 19 is Tehran, Iran with a population of 7,241,000 (area 760 sq km). Number 20 in the world’s biggest cities list is Ho Chi Minh City with a population of 7,162,864.

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