Dimension of a Sparker

Various dimensions of a sparker system are available. Most of them have a small footprint. However, their physical measurements are not as important as their other specifications.


These devices are used in small vessel surveys, oceanographic research and sand searches. It is also applicable in mineral exploration, offshore engineering and route and site surveys. The system is basically an acoustic sound source.

An electric arc is produced that dissipates water between negative and positive leads. Bubbles collapse and create a 50 Hz – 4 kHz board band omnidirectional pulse. This can go through thousands of feet in a subsurface. The signals are received by hydriophone arrays close by. These devices can only be used in saltwater.

Vital Specifications

The most important is the depth it can be used. This ranges from 2 to 500 meters. Another important specification is its seabed depth penetration. Some of these systems can reach 100 to 300 ms under the seabed. Cables used in these systems have a standard length of 25 m. Jumpers are usually 6 m, but variants are available. Weights differ, but most of them are light, usually around 35 kg.

Parameters and Features

Aside from dimensions of a sparker, its parameters must also be studied. Advanced concepts allow you to control the tips being used, the joules per tip and geometry and source depth. Most of them are designed for 15 to 20 cm. Electrode modules are uniformly spaced. They are usually 0.5 x 1.00 m. System tips have 1.4 mm2 exposed surface. Resolutions vary, and this will affect the energy output setting. For a depth of 300 m, the output has to be

Other Information about Sparkers

These systems work in ranges of 50-4000Hz. Most of the time they penetrate better than chirp systems or a boomer. What makes them attractive is their clutter free design. Resolution and other settings can be modified by altering the system voltage or the capacitance. To produce electrical energy, a ship must provide power.

The power supply will give the point electrodes energy. These devices may be set along the vessel or by the stern. These systems function very well in semi-consolidated sediments, hard sand and continental shelf regions.

Dimensions of a sparker do not necessarily reflect its usage. Meaning, larger systems does not always indicate it is suited for deep water settings. You need to look at the product specifications before buying it.

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