How Big Is Your Heart

If you are wondering how big is your heart, it is about 5 inches long. It is roughly the size of your clenched fist. The average weight is 200 to 400 grams. Most adults’ hearts weigh 300 grams.

More Facts and Figures about the Heart

The heart beats 70 to 80 times per minute, or about 100,000 beats per day. It takes one minute for the blood in the heart to reach your big toe. When at rest (1 hour), the blood pumped is 1500 liters. This is equivalent to 25 liters a minute. It pumps 350 ml when you do vigorous exercise. The heart is one of the most important organs in the human body. The blood it pumps out provides the oxygen and nutrients required by other body parts.

The heart then pumps blood in the lungs where carbon dioxide is taken out. It goes through the blood and to your kidneys. These are the organs that get rid of other body wastes. You may be surprised at how big is your heart, but it is very powerful. Without this organ, the body won’t be able to move blood around the body.

The Heart in Action

If you clench your fist and then open it you are simulating the actions of the beating heart. The organ is situated approximately in the middle of your chest. The heart is between your lungs and is at the back of the protective breastbone. As the heart beats, blood circulates.


The heart is comprised of four chambers. The lower chambers are called the ventricles; this is where the pumping action takes place. The upper chambers are known as the atria. This is where the blood enters and departs. Thanks to the valves, the blood is allowed to flow into the ventricle. The left and right sides of the heart are separated by the septum.

Other Information

The importance of the heart cannot be overstated. Without oxygen, the brain won’t be able to function properly and you will become unconscious. Amino acids and glucose are required by muscles. Muscles also need amino acids, glucose, potassium salts, calcium and other nutrients to work. If the heart stops pumping blood, the body will deteriorate and cease to function.

No matter how big is your heart, it will always contract to the fullest of its capability. The pumping action is called the Cardiac Cycle which takes place 72 times per minute.

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