Dimension of a Living Room

The living room hosts many activities. It is a place where members of the family gather. It is also where guests are usually entertained. The living room also sometimes serves as a common room where reading books, chitchatting, and other bonding activities occur.

Different homes treat their living rooms differently. Some prefer that it is just a place to receive guests, a simple sitting room with nothing more than a coffee table and a few seating options available. Some homemakers, however, want their living room livelier than usual. Thus, it is packed with appliances and pieces of furniture that can host many other activities. The latter kind of living room area serves doubly as the family room or entertainment room.

Dimension of a Living Room

The dimension of a living room area naturally depends on the activities it is intended for. Of course, the more things you put in it, the bigger the space you will need.

If your living room is only intended for entertaining a small circle of guests, providing a few seating options and a coffee table or two would not require too much space. If you want it bigger because you normally expect a good number of people coming to your house, you may well do so.

Just like designing the other parts of the house, you will need to consider the amount of space that your living room furniture will require. The room should never look cluttered. It should also provide enough space for the number of people using it on the average to be able to move freely and comfortably.

If you like a living room that doubles as a family room or entertainment room, a bigger space is required. That’s because you will need room for your home theater, for your couches and recliners, for your wine cellar, and for all the other items that you will use for the other activities that you are using the room for.

On the average, the ideal dimension of a living room is approximately 250 square feet or 16×16. This size is enough to house your seating options, your coffee table, and some other living room décor. You will need to adjust that size, depending on your need and your requirements.

More than just the size, decorating and organizing a living room space will have everything to do with how it looks and how it functions. You must know the basics of living room design to know determine how to put things together nicely. You can ask a professional do this for you or you can take ideas from them and make it a DIY project.

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