Barn Dimensions

An agricultural building where livestock are usually housed, a barn is also used by farm owners as a workplace as well as a storage room for farming equipment and vehicles. Some of the basic features of this building are the feed room, a tack room, a drive bay and a silo. In addition, a barn has a milkhouse, a grain bin and an indoor corral. If you are planning to construct your own barn, it is significant that you have a background on the various barn dimensions. The dimensions of the building differ on the type of barn that farmers use.

The Dimensions of Barns

The most common types of barns are the RCA barns, gabled buildings, in-line barns and loafing sheds. All the types of the agricultural building can have four, six, eight, ten and twelve stalls. For the typical RC barn, the total dimension of the first and second stalls should be 12 feet x 3 3/8 inches. In between the first and second stalls, there should be space, which has a dimension of 11 feet x 11 inches. The dimension of the third and fourth stall is the same with the first and second stalls. The overall dimension of the building is 36 feet x 5 ¾ inches.

The typical size of a gabled building is 36 feet and 10 inches. The height of the roof from the upper stalls should be two feet to 12 feet. The door should have a height of 12 feet. The total dimension of an in-line barn is 49 feet x 1 ½ inches. If you are interested in building a loafing shed, the usual dimensions are as follow: 12 feet x 3 3/8 inches and 36 feet x 10 inches.

Additional Information and Other Important Details

Aside from the mentioned types of barns, in some countries the other kinds of the agricultural building exist. These include dairies, the Dutch barn, the Oast house, the round barn, the tithe barn and the threshing barn.

The usual materials used for the construction of barns are timber as well as lumber sawn. Modern barns use Quonset huts, which are made from galvanized steel or plywood.

The upper part of this agricultural building is commonly used to store grain and hay. Barns are usually attached to the farmhouse. Trap doors can also be seen inside the building because these are very useful when dropping animal feed for the livestock inside the barn.

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