What is the size of New Mexico?

The size of New Mexico is 121,665 sq mi or 3New Mexico15,194 sq km. it is 342 miles wide (350 km) and the length is 370 miles (595 km). Its capital is Santa Fe.

Geographical Information

The latitude is 31 degrees, 20’ N to 37 degrees N. The longitude is 103 degrees W to 109 degrees, 3’ W. the water surface area is 250 sq miles (650 sq km). The place is characterized by dry weather. The precipitation is only 15 inches (380 mm) annually. The state has several mountain ranges layered with forests. The state also has several rivers, including the Rio Grande.

There are 59,927 route miles in the state. There are more than 1,000 (1,614 km) of freeways as well as 2,354 railroad route miles.


New Mexico’s population as of 2008 was estimated to be 1,984,356. The density is 16.2 sq mi or 6.27 sq km.

The 1850 census showed the size of New Mexico’s population was 61,547. The figure grew to 119,565 according to the 1880 census. By 1900 the population had reached 195,310 and went up to 360,350 in 1920. New Mexico’s population reached half a million by 1940 (531,818).

By 1970 the state population was estimated to be 1,017,055. The 1990 census revealed the figure was 1,515,069. It grew by 20% in 2000 (1,819,046). The 2007 study showed 84% of the population was white, 3% were black, 9% were Native American and the rest made up of other races.

Major Cities and Towns

The sizes of New Mexico’s cities as given here are based on population. Albuquerque is number one with a population of 521,999. Las Cruces is second with a population of 91,865 followed by Rio Rancho (79,655).

Santa Fe is at number four with a population of 71,831 and Roswell is at number five (46,196). Farmington is at the sixth spot (population 52,837) and Alamogordo is at the 7th spot (35,757).

Clovis is at number eight (32,352); Hobbs is at number nine (30,476) and Carlsbad is at the tenth spot with a population of 25,629. Other major cities are Gallup (20,209), Las Vegas (14,565) and Deming (population 14,116).

Sunland Park has a population of 13,309, while North Valley has a population of 11,923. Portales has a population of 11,131 and Artesia 10,692. Silver City has a population of 10,545.

Size of New Mexico Counties

The most populated county is Bernalillo County with a population of 635,139. The area is 1,166 sq mi. Next is Dona Ana County which has a population of 201,603. The land area is 3,807 sq mi. At number three is Santa Fe County. Its population is 143,937; the land area is 1,909 sq mi.

San Juan County is next with a population of 122,500 and a land area of 5,514 sq mi. At number five is Sandoval County. Its population is 122,298 with a land area of 3,710 sq mi. These figures are for the year 2008.

When people think of the size of New Mexico, they envision a vast. arid desert like place. However, its features actually are diverse, with forests and other natural attractions.

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