What is the Size of a Kettle?

Kettle dimensions are often measured by their capacity. Some of the most common sizes are 1-1/2 liter, 1 quart, 3 quarts, 1.7 liters and so on.


Also known as a tea kettle, it is designed for boiling water. This kitchen appliance is heated in two ways. The first is by positioning it over a stove. The second method is via their own electric heating element.

The stovetop kettle often looks like a pitcher. It is made of metal. You can use it to boil water on a hob too. The handle is positioned usually at the top. There is a lid and a spout where the water comes out from. Many of them have a steam whistle. This is used to indicate when the water has boiled. The electric kettles are usually made of steel or plastic.

There are many different kettle dimensions used, but they all have handles. The handle is typically plastic too. The device is powered by electricity. The contemporary models will automatically turn off once the water has boiled. This feature prevents the unit from being damaged.


The word came from catillus, a Latin word meaning funnel, bowl or deep dish. It is considered one of the oldest utensils in the world.

The earliest electric kettle was made by the Carpenter Electric Company of Chicago in 1891. The heating feature was kept in another location below the water. The Swan Company was the first to introduce the built-in heating element in 1922. This was kept in a steel tube that was encased in a chamber.

It proved popular and was copied by other manufacturers. During World War II, metal was in short supply so other materials were used. The most popular alternative was ceramic. Other models would eventually appear in the market.


First you should check the capacity. Some are capable of boiling 1 1/2 liters with speeds of one cup per minute. Some are even faster. Some have features like 360 degree swivel. Probably the most important feature is the auto turnoff when the water has boiled.

If you are far away, you may not hear the whistle that some kettles use. A handle that always stays cool is necessary. You should also check the spot design. It has to be of the no-drip variety.

The various kettle dimensions give you plenty of options. These appliances are found in virtually all modern kitchens and have become part of living.

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