
SUV Sizes

SUV Sizes

The SUV has evolved and is now available in different sizes and styles. Aside from the different dimensions, they also utilize different engines and transmissions. Gather facts about SUV sizes and how one unit compares with another.

Most Expensive Yacht

Most Expensive Yacht

Eclipse takes the crown as being the most expensive yacht in the world. Costing more than one billion dollars, this yacht is owned by Russian businessman Romah Abramovich. Other than its entertainment facilities and guest cabins, Eclipse is protected by the latest technology in security systems.

Car Sizes

Car Sizes

Today’s cars are available in a variety of dimensions, shapes and styles. Not only are there different car sizes, but their engine specifications also vary. Get insights into various car specs and how the models match up with one another.

Fastest Aircraft

Fastest Aircraft

Various types of aircraft have been developed, and their speed has increased rapidly through the years. The fastest aircraft in the world are capable of moving thousands of miles per hour. Unearth the world’s fastest aircraft and how quick it can go.