Bean Bags Sizes

Bean bags sizes actually depend on what and how it is to be used. The manner of using them may be practical or recreational.

Bean Bags Various Uses

If you are to study bean bags sizes and manner of usage, a lot of options will be open to you. You can use the bean bag as a chair, a juggling bag, a weighted base for some items, a stand, and even as a weapon.

Of the many uses for a bean bag, the most popular and most desired is using it as a bean bag chair at home. Basically, these chairs use vinyl or leather for its material. However, you may also find some bean bag chairs in polyester, nylon, tie dyes, cotton, or a material similar to fur.

Unlike other chairs in the market, a bean bag chair does not always have a standard shape. It actually conforms to one’s body shape as the person sits on the chair.

That is why it is typical to have a one-size-fits-all type of bean bag chair to bring home. But there are also various sizes for this type of furniture. An adult size would roughly have a measurement of around 34 by 34 by 27. For children, some shops offer this in a size of around 100 by 143 cm.

In line with that, there are bean bag chairs that may be suitable for a single person. Other designs for these bean bag chairs are made to seat around two to three individuals.

As a juggling bag, the sizes for a bean bag would range from around five (5), seven (7), ten (10), and twenty (20) cubic foot. These smaller bean bags are used for learning and mastering juggling.

For a weighted base or a stopper, the bean bag may have an approximate measurement of around 12 by 12 by 16 in centimeters.

For a bean bag stand, measurements would be around 100g, 200g, 500g, or about 1kg. It can be a perfect stand for small items such as a mobile phone.

Different Materials Used in Making Bean Bags

Bean bags actually do not merely contain beans. Various fillings may include beads or small styropor pieces. Other makers of these products use dried peas, millet, polystyrene beads, and other materials.

For the outer covering of the bean bags, you may find different materials such as leather, knitted material, or fabric.

With all these things that the bean bags can be used for, it is interesting to take note of the fact that the variety of bean bags sizes and styles are made to cater to these different uses. Everyone can readily enjoy bean bags for its different purposes it may offer.

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