How Big is a Line Spooling Station?

Line spooling station sizes can be as small as 16 3/4″ by 6 1/2” (L x W). There are bigger ones available, but a small footprint is ideal.


The benefit of using this tool is that it makes spin casting, spinning and spool casting easier. The tool makes respooling easier to do. For those who fish a lot, this can be a real time saver.


The capacities of the stations vary, but many are capable of holding up to 1lb spools. Others are capable of handling only 1/4 lb or 150 to 300 yard spools. You have to think of how much you need. In many cases, the 1/4 lb will be sufficient.

Other features you may find useful are line cutters and battery-operated line strippers. If the unit has a blade, make sure that it is covered in some kind of groove so there are no accidental cuts.

What to Look For

Aside from the ideal line spooling station sizes, you should look for consistency. The unit must produce spool with more refined tension compared to the manual spooling. There should be no problems spooling several reels. The faster and easier this can be done, the better.

The unit must also be steady. A small footprint is nice, but make sure that it is heavy. A lightweight station is going to move when you spool quickly. The dimensions cited earlier can be stored on a shelf.

But be certain the unit has sufficient bulk regardless of the size. The parts should also be organized cleanly. A well arranged station makes it easy to look for items.

Other Information

Make sure the line stripper can strip the line you need. Some units cannot strip anything less than 10 pounds. You must also be certain the line is removed from the spinning reels. Check how many batteries it needs and what size. Units without strippers are available. If you do not need it, you can save money on a cheaper unit.

Also, the reel seat does not function well with reels. You can buy these things online or in specialty stores. There are many features that are available in other products. You have to be certain that they contain what you need.

The line spooling station sizes, features and capabilities can be found in online reviews. You should read a few to get an idea of the product’s quality. This will take time but it is necessary.

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