Ski Crampons Dimensions


The ski crampon dimensions are sold in small, medium, large and extra large. Even then, the fitting may not be the same. A medium size from Company A may fit 80 mm at the waist but the one at Company B may be 75 mm. The best way to find the right size is to try different products. 


When ski mountaineering, skiers frequently take off the skis and utilize crampons on the boots. These are used for technical glacier climbing and managing icy terrain. At the low angles when skis can stick, different ski crampon dimensions are often used. 

They are most adept for climbing hard snow. These ski crampons are also known as coltelli, couteaux or Harscheisen. Aside from skiing, the crampons can be used for mountain climbing, hiking and mountaineering. 


The crampons first emerged during the 1900s in Europe. The oldest types have ten spikes at the sides. These were secured to the boots via leather strapping. The forward pointing spikes were implemented in the 1930s. Since then, many types of crampons have emerged with various safety features. 

The modern ski crampons are used because they boost the bite climbing especially at icy terrain. Whatever the ski crampon dimensions used, it will add stability and improve traction. 

Basic Features 

The crampons are hooked up to the boots to facilitate traction. Usually, the crampons can be set only on welted boots. The spikes on the boots vary. This setup will depend on the type of hiking, climbing or skiing you will do. 

Grading of Crampons 

The crampons are graded from C1, C2 and C3. The grading is an indication of the crampon’s flexibility. It also determines their compatibility with other boots. 

Other Features of Crampons 

Manufacturers fit their crampons with different features. The characteristics will often depend on what the crampons will be used for. Those used for Alpine skiing are often made from aluminum. This is to make them lighter to carry. 

The rigid crampons are suitable for climbing steep ice. Because they don’t bend, they don’t tire people easily. The rigid crampons permit the climber to put their toes at the ice. The hinged crampons are suitable for climbing and for hiking. 

Aside from the different ski crampon dimensions, you will have to assess the other features mentioned. The characteristics mentioned here are quite common, but you should still check the specifications of the product before buying it. 

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