Pollock Sizes

Pollock is a common name that is used to refer to two different species of fish from the same genus. If you check either an American or a British dictionary you can find the name spelled either as pollack or pollock. Either way, it still refers to the same type of fish. People sometimes ask about pollock sizes, habitats, and other general characteristics of this quite popular game fish.

People sometimes do not distinguish between these types of fish even though there are definitely distinguishing features from each specie. Anglers just refer to them as pollock simply because of how these fish look like and how they fight back when caught using a hook and line.

Fishes in the Name

There are actually many different names for the two species of fish that people simply label as ‘pollock’. As stated earlier, the different species that are tagged as such belong to the same genus – Pollachius. They belong to either of two species, first is P. pollachius and the second is P. virens. There are different lay men names that people give to these species.

Common names for P. virens include saithe, coalfish, silver bills, and Boston blues. People sometimes call P. pollachius as European pollock, lieu jaune, Atlantic pollock, and lythe. Any of these names fall under one general label when you ask around, and that is pollock. It is a type of fish that is popular among sports fishermen and on the table.

Fast Facts and General Info

Both species commonly referred to as pollack or pollock are part of the cod family. They are the family’s more deeply bodied species. Pollock sizes are usually the same whether you refer to first specie or the other one. The colors of these fish range from yellow to pale gray with a silvery body. The younger generation of pollack will have a brighter yellow and darker shade to their exterior. These fish will grow up to 3’ 1” and will have a well defined lateral line when full grown.

Record Breakers

Here are some interesting FYI’s regarding various pollock sizes and dimensions. Your average pollack will grow about five inches annually for the very first three years of its entire life span. It will then slow down in growth for the next three years at a rate of two to four inches annually. From there it only grows at a rate of one inch to a couple of inches every year.

Given the average pollock sizes, a five year old pollack can weigh up to five pounds. A nine year old pollock will weigh around ten pounds. Pollocks have a lifespan of around 19 years. The largest pollock ever caught by line weighed around 44 pounds.

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