Grave Dimensions

Foremost in burial procedures is the hygienic Grave Dimensionsconsideration. Grave dimensions should be made in such a way as to ensure that sanitary standards are not violated. Public health is of the utmost importance. Here are some points to remember when deciding the proper measurements for burying human remains.

Six Feet Under

For burying below the ground, among the basic rules for grave dimensions is to bury coffins 6 feet below the ground. This means the coffin should be placed in a concrete tomb that is buried at least 6 feet under. This ensures a leak-proof interment. This rule protects the water table below the ground and prevents bacterial emissions from the cadaver from escaping to ground level. The six feet below ruling is among the important measurements for burying corpses.

Tomb Allowances for Lowering Burials

When using lowering procedures, grave dimensions should give space clearance between the tomb walls and the sides of the coffin. An allowance of at least 0.10 meters at all sides should be enough to prevent any scratches or bumps while the coffin is being lowered. The top of the coffin and the concrete lead cover over the tomb should have at least a foot or 0.30 meters clearance. This allows different coffin heights to fit in. Any miscalculations in measurements for burying may cause last minute delays.

Grave Stones

When the concrete lead cover is cemented over the tomb, it may be covered with earth and planted with trimmed grass. Then a small rectangular grave stone is placed at the head bearing the name, birthday, and date of death of the departed. This often measures 10 by 15 inches. But some people prefer to have the whole size of their departed’s tomb covered by a large grave stone. Thus, grave dimensions result to a wide rectangular concrete slab cover about 0.15 meters in thickness. It is raised from the ground by at least 0.05 meters. This is usually covered with colored marble tiles.

Tomb Allowances for Sliding-In Burials

Sliding-in is when the opening of a grave is at its foot rather than on its top. The coffin is slid in head first and what is seen at the opening is its foot. This opening is then closed with a concrete slab. Grave dimensions for clearances are the same as those of the lowering burial procedure.

But the space between the foot of the coffin and the slab should be no more than 0.25 or 0.30 meters. This ensures easy sliding in or out of the coffin. Top clearance measurements for burying in this manner should also allow enough space between the top of the coffin and the concrete slab above it. Dimensions should be based on the height of the coffin.

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