Dimensions of a Bordeaux Barrel

The average sizes of Bordeaux barrels (or barrique) are as follows: the length is 945 mm and Bordeaux Barrel555 mm in diameter around the head. Around the bilge it’s 690 mm. However there are many types of Bordeaux barrels.

Bordeaux Barrel Specifications

The Bordeaux 225 liter types come in many shapes and sizes. The Bordeaux Export has a capacity of 225 liters. The staves thickness is 27 mm and the height is 94 cm. its bilge diameter is 70 cm and the galvanized steel hoops are 6. The Bordeaux Château Tradition has a liter capacity of 225.

The staves thickness is set at 21 mm and the height is 94 cm and the bilge diameter is 70 cm. it has 6 or 8 galvanized steel hoops. The chestnut hoops are 4. There are also pine bars on its head.

A look at the size of Bordeaux barrels will show they are very close. The Bordeaux Château Ferre also has a capacity of 225 liters and a height of 94 cm. The staves thickness is 21 mm with 8 galvanized steel hoops. The diameter at the bilge is 70 cm. Like the Bordeaux Chateau Tradition, the Bordeaux Château Ferre has pine bars installed on the head.

The Bordeaux Château Facon Transport has a maximum capacity of 225 liters with a height of 94 cm. The diameter at the bilge is 69 cm. The staves thickness is 21 mm. When assessing the size of Bordeaux barrels like the Transport, you’ll see it has 8 galvanized steel hoops.

Other Facts about the Bordeaux Barrels

The Bordeaux barrel’s 225 liter capacity is equal to 60 US gallons. Material used in its construction varies. The most frequently used today is stainless steel. However there are also barrels made of oak or chestnut tree wood.

The sturdiness and durability of the barrel is heavily influenced by the material used. Some prefer the oak type because it provides scent for the wine, particularly red wine. In other words, it’s not so much the size that matters but the material used.

Converting the Size of Bordeaux Barrels

Most of the time, its measurements are in millimeters and centimeters. If you prefer feet and inches, here’s a quick guide. A Bordeaux barrel that is 94 cm tall is equal to 3.11 ft or 37.32 in.

If the bottom and top circumference is 55.75 cm, that’s about 1.83 ft or 21.95 in. If the middle circumference is 68.50 cm, that’s 2.25 ft or 26.97 in. A lot of barrels use 4 wood hoops. The iron hoops usually number 4.

Other Information

The Bordeaux Export barrel is the only one with 27 mm staves and is the most widely used for red and white whine. Its head thickness is 57 cm. The untreated thickness is 31 mm and weighs 45 kg.

Although the size of Bordeaux barrels are set, other dimensions are appearing. Some barrels now use 22 mm staves. Probably a few more variants will come as winemakers look for the best way to cultivate their product.

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