Biggest Bull Shark
The biggest bull shark in the world is 4 meters long and weighs between 400 to 500 kg. It is a female bull shark that was captured in Western Cape, SA. The average bull shark is 3.5 meters (11 feet) long. This female shark was captured barely 6 km inland.
Facts about the Bull Shark
The creature is carnivorous and can be found along coastal waters throughout the world. The name was given due to its aggressive behavior and stocky look. Left in the seas, the creature has an average lifespan of 16 years. The average weight is 200 to 500 lbs
(90 to 350 kg).
Its scientific name is Carcharhinus leucas. As a rule, the creatures prefer to swim in waters no deeper than 100 feet (30 m). However, there are reports of bull sharks swimming in waters as deep as 450 feet (150 m). Aside from the coasts, the animal can also be found in river mouths, harbors, bays and lagoons.
Around summertime, the bull shark will journey to the coasts. They will return to the tropical waters when winter approaches. One of the best places to spot the bull shark is the Pacific Coast.
Other places include the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Coast. Some of them have also been seen around the Mississippi River. These creatures prefer freshwaters, from the biggest bull shark to the smallest. They are the only shark species that do so.
Traits and Characteristics 
Its most distinguishing features are the small eyes and short rounded nose. The shark also comes with a big dorsal fin that is triangular in shape. Adult bull sharks have white underbellies and gray backs. Younger bull sharks possess black fins. This will turn lighter as they get older.
The shark reaches sexual maturity at ten years of age. Mating takes place during the summer. Males utilize claspers to put the sperm in the females. The claspers are pelvic fin extensions. Gestation can last for a year.
Numerous pups are delivered. Some are known to deliver 13 pups. A newly born bull shark is about 74 cm (30 inches) long. They can swim and are born with a full set of teeth.
Whether it is the biggest bull shark or the smallest, they all feed on other fish. Their diet also consists of sea turtles, dolphins, sea birds, mollusks and other animals. Due to their aggressive nature, they may prey on fellow bull sharks too.