Average Diameter of a Red Blood Cell

The average diameter of a red blood cell is 6 to 8 micrometers. Its thickness is 2 micrometers. A single micrometer is one millionth of a meter.


These cells are the most common variant of blood cell. In vertebrate organisms, this blood cell is the primary means of relaying oxygen to the tissues of the body. This is made possible by the blood flowing into the circulatory system of the body. These cells put oxygen in the gills or lungs. Squeezing the capillaries will release it.


The cytoplasms of these cells are full of haemoglobin. This is a biomolecule that holds oxygen produces the red color of blood. Human red blood cells don’t have a cell nucleus. Over 2 million erythrocytes are generated per second.

No matter what the average diameter of a red blood cell is, they are developed at the bone marrow. They go around the body for a hundred days or so. Afterwards, they are recycled. It takes twenty seconds for circulation. These cells are commonly called RBCs. They are also known as erythrocytes, haematids or erythroid cells.


Several diseases related to these cells have been discovered. Anemias are illnesses noted for its limited capacity to transport blood. This happens because RBC count is low. Anemias also occur if there are abnormalities with the hemoglobin. The most common type of anemia is iron deficiency. This happens because of lack of iron in the diet.

Sickle-cell Disease

This ailment is genetic. The result is hemoglobin molecule abnormalities. These cells become insoluble after letting go of their oxygen. The RBCs are misshapen. They are also rigid, leading to strokes, pain and blockage of blood vessels.


This is another disease rooted in genetics. What happens is the hemoglobin production ratio becomes abnormal.


This disease results in an abnormality with a RBC’s cytoskeleton. The blood cells become spherical and smaller than normal. They lose their flexibility and turn fragile.

Pernicious Anemia

This disease causes the body to lose intrinsic factor. This is needed for absorption of B12. Without vitamin B12, hemoglobin production will be limited.

Medical Check Up

Laboratory blood tests can determine the red blood cell level in your body. This will make it easier for you to determine if you are sick.

Even though the average diameter of a red blood cell is small, they are numerous. Almost a quarter of all the human body’s cells are of this type.

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