Spirit Level Dimensions

Since its invention, various spirit level dimensions have emerged. There are many spirit levels today that are 24 inches long. Other levels are 26 inches long. Other lengths can also be found in Internet stores.

Facts about the Sprit Level

This is one of the oldest working / construction tools in existence. The tool has many uses, among them determining plumb or straight lines. Builders and construction workers use it to align objects. Homeowners have been using the tool for years as a way to hang a painting right.

These tools are also known as bubble levels. The reason is the objective: when you position it in a horizontal manner, the bubble in a liquid at the level has to be in the middle between the lines. This will help you determine if the line is straight or not.

Note that there are spirit levels for gauging vertical lines. However, these are usually operated in a different manner.


Various spirit level dimensions and sizes have been unearthed. The earliest one found dates from the 17th century. It was created by Melchisedech Thevenot. Researchers have discovered that Thevenot showed his invention to other scientists. But it was not until the 18th century that the utility began to be used wisely.

Thevenot’s invention came with numerous vials of liquid. This allowed an individual to gauge the straightness of a horizontal line.

Modern spirit levels have only one vial. This did not become popular until the 1920s. Many believe the inventor is Harry Zeiman.

Why “Spirit”?

The word spirit is taken from the liquid contained in the vial. Various liquids may be used. Yellow colored liquids have ethanol. Other vials will have blue fluids, which are often more accurate.

The blue liquids are stored in uniquely shaped containers. Many builders prefer them not only because of their accuracy, but also because reading is easier.

Laser Line Levels

Some people now opt to use laser lines instead. These can measure straight lines on 3 planes. These tools generate a laser light so the line can be seen along a surface. Laser line levels are employed in construction projects.

These professional tools are too expensive for home use, but low cost spirit level dimensions and types have started appearing. These can be used at home by DIY enthusiasts.

While spirit levels are quite old, they are still dependable tools. Unless you need the laser line level, the spirit level ought to do the job right.

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