How Big is The Leeds Castle?

The Leeds castle is a famous spot for leisure – its grounds offer a maze, golf course, aviary, museum, and a grotto. But how big is the Leeds castle, anyway? How large do you think it is if it has a lot of interesting features that many tourists from all over the globe are hoping to see?

Bits of History

If you would live during the early times, particularly in the year 1119, when it was built by Robert De Crevecoeur, you would, perhaps, be too excited and enthralled by its early existence. Perhaps, you would be rushing to this place immediately.

However, your excitement to enter its doors may or may not be possible since this castle was made to be a stylish, regale, and comfortable palace in 1278 where England’s King and Queen, King Edward I and Eleanor of Castile, stayed. This was made to replace the Saxon manor of Esledes.

Improvement of the Castle’s Features

During the early existence of this castle, there were already many improvements that were done. These major changes included the changes done to the barbican area (which refers to the outer fortification or exterior area of a castle). These areas included the castle’s entrance, drawbridge (which is a type of movable bridge), gateway, portcullis (a latticed gate or grille of the castle), and driveway.

When Henry VIII lived with Catherine of Aragon in this castle, Henry VIII saw it fit to make certain transformations and changes to suit their tastes. Up to now, a painting placed during Henry VIII’s reign, which commemorated the king’s meeting with Francis I of the country of France, can still be seen in its interior area.

Remained Strong through the Years

Even during problematic times in its early period of existence, the castle was able to stay as sturdy as it was first built. In fact, according to history, this castle was able to endure the Civil War of England that had damaged most of the other places in the land.

The Castle’s Maze

The maze of the castle is one of the best areas if you want to have a bit of adventure, and see if you can easily pass through the various paths of the maze and reach the maze’s exit without any difficulty.

How big is the Leeds castle’s maze? Big enough to confuse a visitor who is hoping to solve its mystery. Just imagine… When it was built, around 2,400 of yew trees were used. So that would have to fill up a really large area.

So if you are to take everything in, how big is the Leeds castle? According to pertinent data, with all its beautiful features, this castle is said to be around four miles (which is equivalent to 6.5 kilometers) in the southeast portion of Maidstone, Kent in the country of England. Actual dimensions are not actually supplied, but just thinking of how it spans the miles or kilometers may give you a good idea of how large this castle really is.

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