How Big is Santa’s Sleigh?

If there’s one vehicle that is the most popular around the world, particularly to kids, it would be Santa’s sleigh. After all, without his sleigh he wouldn’t be able to reach the millions of kids all across the globe waiting for their presents for being good throughout the year.

But much like everything else about Santa: his Christmas Village, the North Pole, his reindeer and elves, and his workshop; there’s not much information about his trusty sleigh.

How Big is Santa's Sleigh?

A sleigh is a type of snow vehicle that is used for sliding down snowy hills and slopes and is also used to ride on snow, usually pulled by horses during the winter season.

There are different types of sleigh or sled, as it is more commonly known; for different uses. There is the bobsled, the toboggan – which looks more like Santa’s traditional sleigh; and there’s the inflatable sled.

Santa’s sleigh on the other hand, does not only have the ability to slide down snow but it can also fly all across the globe with the help of his “flying” reindeer.

It is not determined how big Santa’s sleigh really is but considering that it needs to be big enough to carry millions of toys – roughly about 100 million – and support the weight of Santa, it is safe to assume that this is one pretty big sleigh.

The toy compartment alone should be sturdy enough to carry more than three hundred thousand tons of toys, plus the seating compartment for Santa and the “dashboard” for all the controls and buttons, the size of this sleigh tops the biggest sleigh ever produced by man.

Santa’s Sleigh Mechanism

This is indeed a magical sleigh because despite its heavy weight, it should be just of the right weight to enable it to travel faster than the speed of light. It should also be light enough for roofs to support the sleigh when Santa parks close to the chimney top.

Others have calculated that in order for Santa to reach all the kids all over the world on time, the sleigh has to travel at a speed of six hundred and fifty miles per second!

Add to that the fact that it is carrying approximately 353,000 tons of toys plus Santa’s weight; it’s no wonder that naysayers have discounted stories of Santa’s existence.

However, since Christmas is a magical time where wishes come true, and love and generosity abound; Santa, his reindeers and his magical sleigh remain as constant figures come the holiday season.

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